Any personally identifiable information and contact information that visitors submit on this website including name and email address will not be sold, traded, or given away to any third-party for any reason. Any information you submit on this website will be kept confidential and protected. The information we collect on this website includes name, email address, and comments visitors make. The information is collected when visitors create comments, register on a blog, or contact the administrator. The information that is collected is not mandatory to use this website, and is submitted at-will by the visitor.
The information you provide on this website will not be used by the administrator for any particular purpose. In the case of comments, sharing observations with others is the primary intent. In the case of contact information, the administrator will use your information to contact you in response to an inquiry.
This website tracks non-personal information like browser type, host address, IP address, HTTP referer, and which pages are visited. This information is used to better understand usage of this website, and is not used to identify any individual. This website does not use cookies.
This website has very limited use of advertisements. If advertisements do appear, they will be limited and on a few select pages. Please note that advertisements are third-party that take you to a third-party website, which is outside the scope of this website.
There are no expectations for this Privacy Policy to change in the short or medium term. This policy is effective as of August 09, 2013.
For any inquiries or issues, please contact the administrator of this website on the contact page. Thank you.
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